
what is it like to work at valve

Ex-Valve employee describes ruthless internal politics at 'self-organizing' companies

Former Valve employee Rich Geldreich, who worked at the company betwixt 2009 and 2014, has spent the past several days tweeting detailed accounts of the internal politics at 'self-organizing' companies—one of which he says is based in Bellevue, Washington, where Valve is headquartered. Some of Geldreich's comments could exist virtually any self-organizing visitor (that is, a company without a traditional hierarchical management structure), just other, more specific references suggest he is largely talking about Valve. For instance, he comments on mass layoffs in 2013, and nosotros know layoffs occurred at Valve that twelvemonth.

While Geldreich says that he yet prefers flat company structures to hierarchical structures (he's at present moved on to discussing the latter on his account), many of the politics he describes at 'SelfOrganizingCo' don't sound pleasant. According to Geldreich, the company in question leaked its friendly employee handbook as a PR motility, but was actually a stressful, hard place to work, total of backstabbing and manipulation in pursuit of bonuses and task security.

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Here are a few excerpts from Geldreich's long series of tweets, and what leads u.s.a. to believe they are primarily virtually Valve:

"At a self-organizing visitor with bonuses: Once you alter a project y'all're on the hook for anything until it ships. The team will hold your bonus hostage and claim your work broke something. It'due south basically company-legalized extortion."

(In 2013, former Valve economist Yanis Varoufakis explained that (opens in new tab) bonuses are a major part of Valve'south employee compensation: "The payment mechanism is to a very large extent bonus-based. So the contracts ordinarily take a minimum pay segment in it, which is more or less established by tradition. And then the interesting part in this contract is how much is left to the peer review procedure, which is very complicated. It involves various layers of mutual cess.")

"The company was moving into a new field. They made the temp strategic hire then fired her a year later with no warning after they had hired upwards her friends and their friends."

(During Geldreich's time at Valve, the company axed its augmented reality evolution, firing developer Jeri Ellsworth along with others, though he may be referring to someone else.)

"Another type of temp strategic hire you can make is to recruit a well-known writer, a famous dev, or a person with specialized skills (like an economist). Have them write gushingly well-nigh their amazing experiences at the visitor. One time you lot're done with them quietly permit them go."

(This seems to be a reference to economist Yanis Varoufakis, who is quoted above regarding bonuses, and who did write blog posts for Valve. In 2015, Varoufakis was appointed Greek Minister of Finance.)

"All legit self-organizing firms take to 'leak' an official unofficial Company Transmission. It'due south got to be slickly made and fun to read. Developer Marketing gurus create these productions to sway new recruits into the Hiring Funnel. Insiders laugh at these things."

(Valve'southward employee handbook was leaked in 2012 (opens in new tab), which was during Geldreich's fourth dimension at the company.)

Some of Geldreich'south comments are similar to comments Ellsworth made subsequently being let go by Valve. "...There is actually a subconscious layer of powerful management construction in the company and it felt a lot like high schoolhouse," Ellsworth said in 2013. "There are popular kids that take acquired ability in the company, then there'southward the trouble makers, and everyone in between."

Geldreich similarly describes 'barons' who are in with the executive arm of the company in question, and a culture in which employees must curry favor with influential 'sponsors' to enjoy stability.

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While Valve has some glowing recommendations on the bearding employee review site Glassdoor (opens in new tab), the testimonies of certain self-proclaimed ex-employees likewise mirror Geldreich and Ellsworth's comments. Ane Glassdoor reviewer calls Valve's employee review procedure a "popularity competition," and another says that the "opaque arroyo to compensation and retention breeds a civilisation of paranoia," despite leaving an overall positive review.

"If you buy [Valve's] rhetoric, you'll hear that at that place are no bosses, no managers, no supervisors and that there is a flat construction where everybody is so smart, and so cool so intelligent that they tin can work completely autonomously," reads an peculiarly negative Glassdoor review. "That is just a facade ... In order to succeed at Valve, you need to belong to the group that has more decisional ability and, even when you succeed temporarily, be certain that yous have an expiration date. No affair how hard you lot work, no affair how original and productive you are, if your bosses and the people who count don't like you, you volition be fired before long or you will be managed out."

This account sounds similar to the "purging" described by Geldreich's tweets, as well as his claim that the lack of structure is illusory, and that company politics are actually influenced past executives and their businesswoman confidants.

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Valve has a reputation for being a mysterious company, where creativity and people flow between projects without restriction, and the CEO happily responds to fan emails while however maintaining an elusive and arbitrary persona. That mythical quality makes it difficult to get a clear film of what it's like to work at Valve, which of course just fuels marvel, making Geldreich'due south comments stand up out.

Many accept had positive experiences at Valve, or accept at least said as much, and that is also reflected on Glassdoor and in other accounts of working at the company. In 2012, Michael Abrash praised (opens in new tab) the transparency and liberty he experienced at Valve, saying that the lack of hierarchy produces "remarkable results, things that would never have seen the light of twenty-four hour period nether normal hierarchical management." (Abrash left Valve to join Oculus in 2014.)

Criticism nosotros've seen from ex-employees, however, suggests that while Valve works for the in-group information technology can be alienating and feet-inducing for others. Multiple ex-employees have now said that Valve'south non-hierarchical structure is not what the visitor says it is, and that projects and people are subject to ability dynamics and executive decisions simply as they are in any other workplace.

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I contacted Geldreich earlier this week in an endeavour to clarify his experiences at Valve, only he has not responded. On Th, he tweeted that he will not speak to press, and that his comments are nearly "various places."

On why he's chosen now to reveal these abuses in the games industry, Geldreich says (opens in new tab) that "nobody plainly else has the balls, the principles, or the means to push back" and in various ways accuses the printing of being pawns of corporations. As for why he does non proper name Valve directly, Geldreich tells one person that he did not use "the V word" specifically to avoid press. He has criticized Valve by proper noun in the by, nevertheless, calling his time there (opens in new tab) the "worst experience" of his life.

Geldreich's tweets cover many other unsavory practices at 'self-organizing companies,' all of which are unnamed. For instance, he says that at a certain visitor, the "president/CEO" held a meeting to talk almost "how he manipulated the press." He also accuses the industry (opens in new tab) of "illegal wage collusion" and blacklisting (opens in new tab). You tin read his tweets in full on his public Twitter business relationship (opens in new tab).

I have contacted Valve for comment, and will update this postal service if I hear back.

If you are a electric current or ex-Valve employee and would like to talk about your experiences at the company, you lot can contact me at .

Tyler grew up in Silicon Valley aslope Apple and Microsoft, playing games like Zork and Arkanoid on the early personal computers his parents brought dwelling. He was later absorbed past Myst, SimCity, Civilization, Command & Conquer, Bushido Blade (yeah, he had Bleem!), and all the shooters they telephone call "boomer shooters" now. In 2006, Tyler wrote his first professional review of a videogame: Super Dragon Ball Z for the PS2. He thought information technology was OK. In 2011, he joined PC Gamer, and today he's focused on the site'due south news coverage. Later on piece of work, he practices battle and adds to his 1,200 hours in Rocket League.


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