
Get Rid of Brown Stains in Toilet Bowl

I was shocked when I recently opened the lid of my 'spare' toilet in the laundry.

The bottom of the pan had turned a murky, mucky brown, the colour of, well, you know... At first I thought it was THAT, but then I realised it couldn't possibly be as nobody ever uses this loo.

You see, the brown film on the bottom of your toilet bowl is actually a build up from hard water.

toilet cleaning
My gunky toilet covered in hard water stains. (Supplied)

So, how can you clean such brown stains from the bottom of the toilet?

Google had a lot of answers. So I headed to the shops to get everything mentioned on my searches for 'how to clean calcium build up on toilet bowl' and 'how to clean toilet bowl stains'.

RELATED: These 6 cleaning tips will give you a professional clean in the bathroom without the cost

I like to cover all the bases, so I picked up everything my search had suggested.

That included: vinegar, bicarbonate of soda, citric acid, borax, and a scrubbing brush with a long handle. All up I spent about $13.

toilet cleaning
My toilet cleaning kit, which all up set me back under $10. (Supplied)

How to clean up calcium build up in toilet bowl

One of the tips I read involved pouring citric acid into the toilet bowl and leaving it to do the work.

I dunked the whole tub — which you can find in the spice aisle — and left it to work overnight.

RELATED: Professional cleaner shares the disgusting reason why you need to deep clean your toilet

The next morning I was hopeful when I opened the lid. But it looked just the same.

Seems it was going to be harder work than I had thought.

I've had some luck before with cleaning grout with a paste of bicarb of sofa and vinegar, so that was my next option.

toilet cleaning
Bicarbonate of soda, and vinegar fizzing away before cleaning the toilet. (Supplied)

Note: I avoided adding bleach, too as I did once in my bathroom, which saw me nearly gas myself and is very dangerous.

The vinegar was $1.50 and the bicarb was $2.40 (the budget version, which they didn't have was only $1.80), bringing the total to just $3.30.

I poured some vinegar into an old bowl and sprinkled in some bicarb. It fizzed and looked like it was working.

Personally, I like to make things up as I go along but the internet told me it's best to do one-part baking soda to two parts vinegar.

I mixed it into a paste, dunked in my long brush, and started scrubbing the brown bits.

The brown sludge started to shift immediately. It was pretty satisfying and clearly worked from the moment I started.

toilet cleaning
The toilet is now fresh, clean and sparkling like new. (Supplied)

I kept dipping my brush in the mix and scrubbing, which delivered some seriously impressive results. When the now beige stain was nearly gone, I dunked the rest of the mix into the pan.

It didn't even take much elbow grease before all of the hard water marks had disappeared.

I didn't even need to use the Borax, which is also supposed to work well, and was a more pricey $4.10.

If you have a neglected loo too, pick up your vinegar and bicarb and get to work.

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Get Rid of Brown Stains in Toilet Bowl


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